Monday, October 1, 2012


What kind of European backpackers stay in the Marriott hotel? Just the best of the best.
(Or those that have siblings who work for Marriott...)

We definitely blended in perfectly with all these high-rollers 
We got in to Rome at 8:30 AM and after 4 hours of public transportation sorting out we walked up to these big old fancy hotel gates on foot and with our tired eyes and big old backpacks. I swear, all eyes in the lobby shot at us. Instantly our jaws dropped by how fancy-schmancy this hotel really was. 

Thoughts about Rome: This place is POWERFUL
Everything is huge and strong and just screams power. Yet, at night, it transforms into a magical night scene. 

The Palazoo di Giustizia - HUGE. The first structure
 we saw when we pulled up & it is truly overwhelming.

I loved the Fonte Acqua Paola. It seemed like a picture perfect movie setting site. A very artsy, almost theatrical structure with a tranquil little fountain pool out front. This general area was set a top a hill and was one of the bloodiest locations during Rome's war for independence in 1849 while at war with France. Their were various different structures, walls, statues, and monuments representing this history.





The Pantheon. Was. Magical. This scene was the absolute image of Italy. By now, it was dark and the square was dreamy. Accordion melodies and the cutest of Italian cafes lined the bustling outskirts of the square. 

The Colosseum.
Gladiators came to life here (with a little help from my trustee Rick Steve's audio guide).
The arena held 50,000 people that came to be entertained by the gruesome games of humans vs lions, humans vs humans, humans vs any old animal the people could come up with. After fights, the crowds got to decide if the battler got to live or was killed - something along the lines of a thumbs up/thumbs down sign determined lives. The entire underground tunnel system was visible because the floor is worn away. Originally the floor was topped with 6 inches of sand with different hidden doors to allow surprises to rise from under the stage throughout the night's schedule of entertainment. 


Andy came to play in Rome!
Yep, we love him. How can you resist this face??

 He may have been suffering from a little thing called jet lag for the first full day...

The Vatican - Nope, I didn't get any pics of my favorite within the Vatican, the Sistine chapel. Michelangelo was one patient fella. The work's area was close to the space of an entire football field and took over 15 years. He didn't lay down a single minute during the mastery of that ceiling! He just cranked his neck up and wetted the walls of plaster as he began new areas. 
Vatican Square didn't bless us with any Pope sitings BUT was our first recording hot spot for a new vid Andy was planning (Andrew Hales LAHWF youtube channel. Check it out for some laughs).
The SPANISH STEPS were swarmed with people BUT it was really a gorgeous scene, especially at dusk as the lamps lit up and the sky transformed.


 I made my WISH at the Fontana di Trevi....

 And maybe possibly tossed my coin backwards right into a couple's romantic fountain photograph... whoops!
We established our regularity at a different restaurant in each city- meet our master crepe-maker/gelateria. He was always insistent that he hooked us up with freebies. He made us crepe "from his heart" and with his imagination after we told him what kind of treat moods we were in. This is my savory crepe - Tuna, tomato, mozzarella and oregano. Mmmmm 


So we got a lil worn out at times.... 

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