Sunday, August 5, 2012

Pirates of the Caribbean

I sure hope I've made it clear how incredibly grateful I am for the people who have made this excursion the picture perfect trip that it has been. Honestly, had it not been for the countless amounts of strangers that continue to offer such generous acts of kindness, this trip would be about a billion times different and also, not near as dreamy! A mere, Thank You, sounds so insignificant, but it holds the most sincere meaning when I say it.

Meet the Gabriel Rydin family

Gorg, right? Don't worry, they're all models or something. For reals. Anyway, Kace had met Gabe back in High School when he was in Orem on a foreign exchange for two weeks. He happened to be vacationing from his home in Sweden this last week and I was able to meet him and his awesome family. 

This week we took a trip back to Soller, the port city I talked about a couple weeks ago. We had only visited the actual port last time, so a nice walk around the actual town was filled with new sites and a gorgeous cathedral. 

Gabe and his family had no idea how they made our day when they threw a little invite our way. Last week we were roaming tourist shops and stumbled upon a picture perfect post card that was apparently, the greatest beach on the island. From the looks of this post card, people weren't lying, and we instantly added it to our, ¨Someday we may make it there...¨, list, and carried along our way.

Gabe's invite was to none other than our beloved Sa Calabra, and by use of a CAR. A car people! We were peeing our pants. Of course, we accepted, and were stoked to get to spend more time with the family.
The adventure began by winding down the tiniest of tiny ¨streets¨ which was definitely and adventure in itself. The road was designed to fit the natural landscape rather than the convenience of cars. This made the 12 kilometer drive a 35 minute cruise, complete with the danger of wild goats, the fear of toppling over the edge of this monstrous cliff, and of course, our classic European drivers around every sharp corner.
Car sick much? So worth it.
Little shop at the top of the mountain before we began winding down.

The tunnel through the rocks to the beach area

I think this picture is the best depiction of the history of the port. Way back when, it was known as a pirate hot spot, seeing as it's cove was the perfect hide out for mischief. Even up until the 50's it was used for all sorts of smuggling. Welcome to our very own Pirates of the Caribbean cove!

We felt like we were literally jumping on in to the movie itself. But a billion times more gorgeous and less dangerous...

We used a rope to climb up the rock to the left, hiked up some stairs carved into the rock, and jumped of the side. AMAZING

Post card worthy. Picture perfect day.

I was absolutely SOAKING up Gabe's little brother, David. He is my lil bro, Kade's, age and I was in complete heaven playing with the little guy. We're pals ;)

Saturday us gals had the special treat of meeting up with ALL of our families together in La Colonia. These are mine, Kels, and Kacey's kids all chowing on some pizza. Loved this night.

1 comment:

  1. Wowsy, you sure know how to make the rest of us jealous! What fantastic pictures and words, making us feel what you're feeling and seeing. Thanks beautiful! Love and miss you. Don't get too encamped over there. Hurry home to us! Grams
